[Etusivu] [Courses] [TMP course]

HSE, TMP 38E050 Advanced Topics in Technology Management and Strategic Analysis

Economics of Competition and Competition Policy

Course material

Book Chapters

Slides: Intro and Market Power

Slides: Oligopoly

Slides: Collusion

Slides: Mergers

Slides: Predation

Slides: Entry

>>Take-home exam<<


Kovacic & Shapiro (1999), "Antitrust Policy: A Century of Economic and Legal Thinking", ~136 kb

Market Definition and Market Power

US Merger Guidelines
Rubinfeld (2000), "Market Definition with Differentiated Products: The Post-Nabisco Cereal Merger", ~238 kb
Nevo (2001), "Measuring Market Power in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry", ~250 kb
Slade (2002), "Assessing Market Power and Market Dominance in UK Brewing", ~262 kb
European Commission, Volvo/Scania decision, ~347 kb

Oligopoly and Collusion

Europe Economics' review of oligopoly competition with emphasis on merger issues, ~696 kb
Vasconcelos (2001), "Tacit Collusion, Cost Asymmetries and Mergers", ~256 kb
de Roos (2000), "A Model of Collusion Timing", ~408 kb
European Commission, UPM/Haindl decision, ~327 kb
European Commission, Airtours-decision, ~184 kb


Epstein & Rubinfeld (2001) "Merger Simulation: A Simplified Approach with New Applications", ~178 kb
Dube (2000), "Product Diferentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry", ~431 kb
Nevo (2001), "Measuring Market Power in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry", ~250 kb
Slade (2002), "Assessing Market Power and Market Dominance in UK Brewing", ~262 kb
EU Merger Regulation, ~215 kb
European Commission, Volvo/Scania -decision, ~347 kb
European Commission, UPM/Haindl -decision, ~327 kb
European Commission, Airtours-decision, ~184 kb


European Commission, Deutsche Post -decision, ~214 kb
Bolton, Brodley & Riordan (2000), "Predatory Pricing: Strategic Theory and Legal Policy", 294 ~kb

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